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Press Truster

to the tune of “GhostBusters

Someone’s corrupt
In your neighborhood.
There’s a cover-up,
And it don’t look good.

Who you gonna call, press truster?

A Foster witness
Has been harassed;
The rule of law
Is fading fast.

Who you gonna call, press truster?

They stared him down
All over town;
He still insists
The car was brown.

Who you gonna call, press truster?

The crucial note’s
A forgery
It doesn’t take
A pro to see.

Who you gonna call, press truster?

The autopsy
Is full of lies.
To Tommy’s dad
That’s no surprise.

Who you gonna call, press truster?

Jerry Parks
Did work for Vince;
Now both have got
Their recompense.

Who you gonna call, press truster?

The cover-ups
Are nationwide;
A quilt’s been made
For those who’ve died.

Who you gonna call, press truster?

The judges said
You must attach
The work of Clarke.
Starr’s met his match.

Who you gonna call, press truster?

You saw someone
With Tim McVeigh
In a Ryder Truck
On that bad day.

Who you gonna call, press truster?

A missile flew
Up to that plane
Cannot explain.

Who you gonna call, press truster?

Our news machine
That once was free
Is now a pr

Who you gonna call, press truster?

They can’t HEEEAR you.

David Martin

Now available: The Murder of Vince Foster: America’s Would-Be Dreyfus Affair

1 Thought to “Press Truster”

  1. […] old fashioned gumption? Can you tell me where it’s gone? It’s far from Minnesota, And from the believers of the media, it’s just […]

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